HDLC ( High level Data Link Control)
High level Data Link Control for synchronous communication between primary (master) and secondary (slave) as per standard defined. It is a bit-oriented protocol.
A way of transmitting messages on a network by using a software for adding the additional bits like staring bits, headers, addresses of source and destination, error control its and ending bits. Each layer or sub layer uses its protocol before a message transmits on a network.
RS232 Port
A standard for UART transmission and reception in which TxD and RxD are at different voltage levels and handshaking signals, CTS,RTS, DTR, DCD and RT are at the TTL levels.
A line used for transmission of UART serial bits. The 0 and 1 signals are at RS232C voltage levels when RS232C COM port is used, or at the TTL levels in micro controllers.
A standard asynchronous serial input and out port for serial bits. UART ( in micro controllers ) usually sends a byte in 10-bits format or 11-bits format. The 10-bits format is when a start bit precedes the 8-bit message and a stop bit succeeds the message. An 11- bit format is when a serial bit also precedes the stop bit.
I/o Port
A port for input or output operation at an instant. Handshake input and handshake output ports are also known as I/O ports. Example:- A printer is said to connect to an I/O port.
Status Register
A register for bits, which reflects the current status at the port buffer. It is a read operation only. The bit may or may not auto-reset on device servicing.
DMA (Direct Memory Access)
A direct memory access by a controller internal or external. DMA operations facilitating the peripherals and devices of the system to obtain access to the system directly without processor controlling the transfer of the bytes in a memory block.
A physical or virtual unit that has three sets of registers- Data registers , control registers and status registers and that the processor addresses these like a memory.
A unit that connects to the processing unit through the ports. It has fixed pre-assigned port address(device addresses) according to its interfacing circuit.
Memory Map
A memory addresses allocation table such that the map reflects the available memory addresses for various uses of the processor. A memory map defines the addresses of the ROMs AND RAMs of the systems.
A type of memory a sector of bytes that is erasable many times ( maximum 10000 times) in a flash at the same instance in a single cycle. Each erased byte is then programmable by the write instruction of a program as well as by a device programmer.
A type of memory each byte of which is erasable many times and then programmable by the instructions of a program as well as by a device programmer.
RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer)
A reduced instruction set computer that has one feature that provides a small instruction set and permits limited addressing modes for the source and destination operands in an instruction . Hardware executes each instruction in one cycle period.
CISC ( Complicated Instruction Set Computer)
A complicated instruction set computer that has one feature that provides a big instruction set for permitting multiple addressing modes for the source and destination operands in an instruction. Hardware executes the instructions in different number of cycles. It is as per the addressing mode used in an instruction.
First byte of an instruction for the instruction decoder of the processor. It defines the operation or process to be performed on the operand(s).
Special Function Register
A register in 8051 for special functions of accumulator, data pointer, timer control, timer mode, serial buffer serial control, power down control, ports, etc.
A data structure in which each object has a pointer to the next object . the first object is pointed by list-head and the last one points to a NULL pointer.
Stack Pointer
A register that hold an address to define the available memory address to where the processor can push the registers and variables on a stack operation and and from where they can be popped.
There is pipelining also in the superscalar processor. It means than its ALU circuit divides into n substages. If in its last stage the processing of a pth instruction is taking place at an instant then at the first stage processing of (p+n)th instruction is taking place. There may be multiple pipelines in a processor to process in parallel.
Share Data Problem
A problem in which a variable, when shared between the tasks, becomes modified by another task instruction before a running task completes operation on that variable.