Thursday, August 29, 2013

Task Control Block

Task Control Block
A memory block that holds information of program counter memory map, the signal  dispatch table, signal mask , task ID, CPU state and kernel stack .


A task is for the service of specific actions and may also correspond to the codes, which execute for an interrupt. A task is an independent process that takes control of the CPU when scheduled by the scheduler at an OS . Every task has a TCB.


A code that has its independent program counter values and an independent stack. a single CPU  system runs one process at a time. A process is a concept. It defines a sequentially executing program and its state. A state , during the running of a process, is represented by its status , its control block, called process control block or process structure, its data, objects, and resources. 


A powerful modeling language, which extensively used in the software development process, especially for design.

SMI (Software Maturity Index)

SMI (Software Maturity Index)
A measure of the need for maintenance.


Kilo Lines Of Code.

Full function points

Full function points
FFPS ( Full Functions Points) mean the sum of the function points for a simple average and complex program.